Changes for the week ending 2011-12-18

  • v0.7.2: FC.checkout.config.multishipWeights has been renamed to FC.checkout.config.multishipLiveRateShipmentWeights and now only includes product weights for products with a delivery_type of ‘shipped’ (i.e., live shipping rates).
  • v0.7.2: Added MODX Revo Password hashing.
  • v0.7.2: Duplicate coupon codes are no longer allowed. If you try to edit or create a coupon using a coupon code that is already in use for your store, you will see an error message in the admin.
  • v0.7.2: Added PayLeap gateway.
  • v0.7.0 – v0.7.2: Fix for the issue with subscriptions created the day before they run not being set as future subscriptions.
  • v0.7.2: Fixed a bug related to currency format.
  • v0.7.2: Fixed an issue with multiship group totals are over $1,000 not displaying correctly in receipt emails (patched back to 071).