Changes for the week 2017-03-26

  • All Versions: Requiring admin passwords to have at least 12 characters. Existing password complexity requirements still apply.
  • All Versions: Allow our image caching system to follow a single redirect which allows for the use of link shortening services, if needed.
  • All Versions: updating the purchase_order field to accept 100 characters.
  • All Versions: Fixing our own usage of dunning emails for our signup store to properly show your store name.
  • v1.1: Updating some core code for better compatibility with future infrastructure improvements.
  • v2.0: When adding products to the cart, we’re no longer using the expires property as part of the comparison as it was incorrectly creating duplicate items in the cart. Now, the original expires value is maintained from the first product added to the cart.
  • v2.0: Allow PayPal Express legacy to configure auth only in the admin.
  • v2.0: Updating our subscription edit page to include more information about the subtoken links.
  • v2.0: Allow the reply to email to be configured via twig using `email_replyto`
  • v2.0: Updating Pesapal sandbox url.
  • v2.0: Updating checkout address templates to include maxlength values.
  • v2.0: To match what already exists in our twig templates, we’re enforcing a minimum of 8 charachters for new customer passwords. The checkout_error_password langauge string has been updated to reflect this change.