• feat: gift cards re-added to the API
  • fix: improve handling of prepayment hook call with PayPal Commerce Platform
  • refactor(stripe): reduce stripe payment fields render timeout length
  • fix: allow to use non-latin characters in product options that get output as CSS class names
  • fix(checkout): improve EU data transfer consent checkbox for non-shippable products
  • feat(gateways): add 3ds for trust payments
  • fix: bring card names used with Square to match internal card names used everywhere else in Foxy
  • fix: improve handling of non-English characters in CyberSource
  • fix(checkout): do not clear tax id when customer uses a different address for billing
  • fix: improve ipn notifications for PayPal Commerce Platform Express Checkout
  • feat: add functionality for 3D Secure v2 via Paay.co (for PSiGate, NMI)
  • feat(subs): improve payment_type field for non-plastic hosted gateways